Robot News: Flower Robotics Polaris

Along with some other tricks up our sleeve, we’re going to start carrying news here at Robot Vacuum Cleaner. Shocking I know.

Polaris Cell Phone Robot

First up, a firm called iida has teamed up with Flower robotics to build a robotic cell phone caddy. At least, that what it looks like. It’s like the most useless but sexy item I’ve seen in a while. You get home and this little robot zips up to you. You hand it your cell phone and then it zips over to its dock and changes your cell phone for you. One of the articles I found talked about having it monitor your medical condition? At least that’s what looks like what’s going on. I wonder if, when your cell phone starts ringing, the little robot will fetch it back to you? We’ll see. Right now it’s just a concept. There are more details here and a video.

Samsung Furot II Robot Vacuum

Look out iRobot because Samsung is coming for you. Samsung has announced the Furot II robot vacuum cleaner. Not for sale yet, but just at first glance it looks like it’s got some features that are missing from the iRobot Roombas. The most obvious being that there’s actually a display built into the top. Second, it has two of the side brushes that brush stuff out of corners and from under overhangs. Not so obvious is that the Furot II has a camera and builds a map of the room its vacuuming. Like a Roomba, it comes with a charging station that it can find its way back to and dock with to recharge its batteries. They use HEPA 11 filters to filter out allergies. Finally, they’re supposed to be quiet and powerful. More details here.

LG Roboking Robot Vacuum

And ANOTHER. Yes LG is not to be forgotten. They are also showing off a new RoboKing model. I don’t know much about it except that it’s a robot vacuum cleaner. That’s good enough for me. LG already makes robot vacuums. See here.

2 thoughts on “Robot News: Flower Robotics Polaris”

  1. I am a repairer of vacuum cleaners and i am going to throw my hat in the ring and say that the first few of these type of machines were soo bad. I am happy to report that the newer models have shown some serious improvement. :)
    Thumbs up to samsumg for providing a bit of competition too!

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